MAPNA Electric and Control Engineering and Manufacturing Company referred as, MECO is an Iranian knowledge-based economic enterprise that established in 2004 in Karaj. MECO works in various fields along with its subsidiaries including:
- Development, design and manufacturing of automation and control systems, Protection, excitation and drive systems under the title of power plant electrical and control equipment, oil and gas sites, rail transportation infrastructure, steel and cement industries.
- Development and manufacturing of charging infrastructure for electric passenger and commercial vehicles.
- Development and manufacturing of electric propulsion for electric passenger and commercial, vehicles.
- Development of online monitoring systems of rotary engines, training simulation system of industrial processes especially power plants and main systems and equipment in various industries, development of MAPNA-Mind data mining platform in order to develop topics of Industry 4.0, IoT, IIoT and …
- Development and manufacturing of various equipment in field of power electronic, healthcare (medical imaging devices), smart grids and rail transportation terrific control and signaling systems.

MECO’s purpose are business development in the field of energy, localization of technical knowledge, design and commercialization of designed products, product diversity through research and technology, electrification, digitalization, automation, process control and smartening, and entering the field of Internet of Things (IoT) that are the chapters of the Industry4.0